Hui - Identifying Kai

Learning Intention:
I am learning to understand and use some familiar food vocabulary

Success Criteria:
I will be successful when I can identify kai pictures and say the words correctly.


Learning Intentions

I am learning to:

  • work with numbers in the range 1-50

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I can:

  • recognise numbers to 50
  • count backwards from 50
  • say the number before, in the range 1-50
  • say the number after, in the range 1-50

Te Reo with Matua Rihare

We are learning to:
  • sing waiata
We will be successful when we

  • participate with respect and enthusiasm
  • use correct pronunciation

Geometry - 2D Shapes

Learning Intention
We are learning to sort shapes by their characteristics

Success Criteria
We will know we are successful when we:
  • use  words like - shape, line, straight, curved, corners, edges, sides
  • think about different ways to sort the shapes
  • talk about how and why we sorted the shapes

Easy Blog Photo

Music with Mr McCallum

We are learning about Pitch
  • High and low sounds
  • Creating a pitch map
  • Making ascending and descending melodic patterns

We are learning about beat and rhythmic patterns.

Te Paea wrote
I love music because it is fun. It is terrific. It is fabulous. It is fantastic. It is awesome. It is musical. It is really fun.